How Hypnotherapy Can Liberate You from the Fear of Flying

I recently got back from traveling back east with my family. On our flight home, I was able to watch the incredible lightening show happening in the skies in the distance. It got me thinking about my clients who come to me to overcome their fear of flying. I could have easily have seen those lightening strikes in the sky and spiraled down a negative thought pattern of fear and plane crashed. But instead I watched it with curiosity and amazement. Trusting that the airlines and pilots would never let us fly if it was unsafe.

So what makes one person fearful of flying another enjoy it? It all comes down to your subconscious programming. When I was a kid, my parents would prepare us for flights by playing airplane with us out of chairs from our dining room. We were so full of excitement to go to Florida and always had smooth flying experiences.

However, for some individuals, the fear of flying, known as aviophobia, can cast a shadow over what should be a thrilling experience. Maybe they grew up with a parent who was scared of flying. Maybe they hit really bad turbulence in the past. Maybe they’ve never flown, so the unknown is just so scary. If the mere thought of being on an airplane triggers intense anxiety and panic, hypnotherapy offers a promising avenue for conquering this fear and embarking on journeys with newfound confidence.

Understanding Aviophobia:

Aviophobia is a common fear that affects millions of people worldwide. It can range from mild unease to full-blown panic attacks, often triggered by the feeling of being out of control, confined in a small space, or encountering turbulence. This fear can be deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind, making it challenging to overcome through sheer willpower alone.

Hypnotherapy's Approach:

Hypnotherapy addresses the fear of flying by accessing the subconscious mind, where the root causes of aversion are often hidden. During a hypnotherapy session, I guide my clients into a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. In this state, the conscious mind takes a step back, allowing direct communication with the subconscious. Here's how hypnotherapy can help:

  1. Unraveling the Fear: Through relaxed introspection, hypnotherapy can help identify the triggers and underlying causes of the fear of flying. It might be linked to past experiences, anxieties, or even misconceptions about air travel.

  2. Restructuring Beliefs: Together we will come up with positive suggestions and affirmations which can be reinforced hypnotically challenging negative beliefs and perceptions related to flying. This helps reshape the individual's mindset from one of fear to one of calm and confidence.

  3. Visualization: Guided imagery is a powerful tool in hypnotherapy. Individuals are encouraged to vividly imagine successful and stress-free flights. This visualization helps desensitize the mind to the fear-triggering scenarios and replaces them with positive associations.

  4. Anchoring Relaxation: Hypnotherapy equips individuals with relaxation techniques that can be applied during flights. By associating flying with a sense of tranquility, individuals can counteract the anxiety response and regain control over their emotions.

The Science Behind Hypnotherapy:

Hypnotherapy isn't a magical cure; it's a well-researched and scientifically backed approach. Neuroimaging studies have shown that hypnosis can influence brain activity, particularly in areas related to perception, emotion, and memory. By reprogramming the subconscious mind's reactions to flying, hypnotherapy helps create new neural pathways that lead to calmer responses.

Taking Flight with Confidence:

Overcoming the fear of flying through hypnotherapy is a gradual process that requires dedication and collaboration with your hypnotherapist.

As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that the goal isn't to erase all discomfort but to equip yourself with the tools and mindset to manage and navigate through it. With each session, you're rewiring your brain for a more relaxed and positive approach to air travel.


Imagine looking out of the airplane window with curiosity rather than trepidation, feeling the rush of excitement as the plane takes off, and relishing the beauty of the skies. Hypnotherapy offers a promising route to turn this vision into reality. By addressing the fear of flying at its root and fostering a sense of control and confidence, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to liberate themselves from the constraints of aviophobia and embark on flights with newfound courage. So, if the skies have been calling, consider hypnotherapy as your passport to fearless travel.

Blake Levin