How Hypnosis Can Help You Train Your Brain to Do Something New

We hit a big milestone over here in the Levin household, with Riley in her final week of preschool. Both kids are also in Pedalheads this week, where we hope Riley will learn to ride a bike without training wheels.

It's got me thinking about the bravery and the leap of faith it must take us to see something out until its end, and take risks - like pedaling without training wheels for the first time - in order to grow. I still remember that moment it happened for me on my yellow bike as my Dad gave me a running start and then let me loose down our long dirt driveway.  The freedom I found in being able to ride my own bike was exhilarating! 

Before I knew it I was riding up and down massive hills all over town for a chance to meet up with friends without parents supervision to buy fireballs and Kiwi Strawberry Snapple at the local deli. My best childhood memories came from being on my bike.

Whenever we are attempting to do something new, it can be scary. Our subconscious minds are really programmed to keep us safe by doing what it is we've already been doing all our lives. When we even begin to think about doing that new thing, our subconscious mind often create resistance and fear to try to keep us in our comfort zone. And keep us safe. Unless you are programmed subconsciously to take lots of risk, try new things, push your boundaries, we often get stuck going back to our normal everyday behaviors on auto pilot.

You might feel this resistance when you think about going after your dreams. Maybe your fear gets in your way of starting a new creative project, a new career or even putting yourself out there in front of others for the first time. We resist the calling to end a toxic relationship, fly to some place new or make a big financial investment, when we don’t know what the results will be.

When I first started my hypnotherapy practice, I was terrified. The more I learned, the more I realized I didn't know all that much.  But the more I practiced, the more confident I became. Eventually the training wheels had to come off. I had to believe in myself enough to trust I could do it, to consider myself a professional and get paid for my services, and to promote myself as a hypnotherapist.

My business coach Elizabeth Cannon has really helped me shift my perspective on confidence.  She reminds me that we cannot wait to be confident before we do whatever it is you want to do.  The confidence comes from being scared and doing it anyway, learning from the process.

And doing it again, and again and again.  And as we continue to step into the fear - our confidence builds.

We can also prepare your subconscious mind to do something new and make that change through hypnosis! I call this a “Dress Rehearsal for the Mind”! We work out the unknowns. We visualize and see how it could go, feeling very at peace, in a trusting and safe environment. Which then makes the real life new event feel less daunting or scary. I love working with each of my clients to help give them the start they need. So they can take the leap of faith with the trust that they are supported and safe. And most importantly - accomplish their goals!

So I have to ask, where in your life are you feeling called to take off the training wheels?

Is there something that you've been wanting to do? Maybe write that book? Quit your job and change careers? Ask out that guy you've been crushing on for awhile?

If you are feeling stuck and slightly terrified, reach out and we can talk about how we can get your subconscious mind prepped for the most rewarding changes you are long overdue to make! 

Blake Levin