How Can Hypnosis Help Me Make More Money?

Hypnotherapy for Success

How to realize your goals, achieve success and make more money

You will have already heard about the power of your unconscious mind, sometimes referred to as the subconscious although in Hypnotherapy terms the two are in fact slightly different. You may also have tried meditation or guided visualizations to help you to relax, or to increase your confidence when performing or speaking in public.

Hypnotherapy works in a different way, and if you want to access the power of your unconscious mind so that you can realize your full potential, Hypnotherapy will enable you to do this, often in just one session!

How Does it Work?

Your unconscious mind holds memories and messages from almost your entire life. Very often you are not aware of these thought forms and are therefore in no position to either ignore or change them, should you wish to do so. It is a fact that we humans are hard-wired to retain negative messages and signals in preference to positive ones. This is all to do with our survival. We need to retain the memory of a threat or danger so that we are on the alert in the event of encountering it again. On the other hand, when we are relaxed and happy, we do not need to retain the memories or messages from this situation because our survival is not in danger.

Unfortunately, if just one of your teachers ever told you that you were stupid, lazy, or would “amount to nothing” you can bet that your unconscious mind has held on to that message and regularly sends it into your conscious mind, keeping you in a state of uncertainty about your own worth and abilities.

You may genuinely think that you want to make more money, achieve success, and realize your dreams. You may be certain that you have the ability, the resources, and the motivation to do so, but still your goals elude you.

During Hypnotherapy, your unconscious mind can be commanded to finally let go of those old, outworn messages and to replace them with positive, confident statements that will be of much more use to you. In this way, your mind is reprogrammed, new neural pathways are created, and your unconscious mind becomes your ally rather than your saboteur.

Your Money Mindset

Your subconscious mind is programmed with beliefs, messages, and mantras a round money, whether you are aware if this or not. You may have grown up seeing your parents live from paycheck to paycheck, always struggling to make ends meet, with never enough money to “waste” on frivolities.

You may have been taught that the only way to make money is to work hard, never allowing yourself take time off from the daily grind. You might feel as if the responsibility for your family’s welfare rests solely on your ability to provide the financial support they need, or you might even find yourself repeating some of the adages you grew up with to your own children. “Do you think we’re made of money?” or “Money doesn’t grow on trees”.  Your subconscious mind holds these statements as indisputable truths, even though you might think you are only being half-serious as you repeat them.

It is when we start to make more money than we feel we deserve, or that our subconscious minds are programmed to accept, that we begin to self-sabotage. Our subconscious mind can be compared to an over-protective, fussy, but well-meaning nanny. It is always trying to bring us back to a place of “safety”, a place that is familiar and comfortable. So, when we break out of this mind-set, take action and really start to achieve financial success and freedom, our subconscious mind tries to pull us back to what it believes is our best, and safest place.

Hypnotherapy can help you to replace the old beliefs around money with new ones. It opens the door to permission to achieve everything you are capable of achieving, and to build upon these achievements.  Once you have reprogrammed your subconscious mind to believe that you deserve the money you are making, and that you are capable of making more, your continued success is assured.

Blake Levin