Can I be Hypnotized?

Remember all of those talk show episodes where skeptical audience members would walk cautiously down to the stage where a hypnotist would be waiting to put them under some sort of mysterious spell? Then the hypnotist would proceed to program those same audience members who were convinced it wouldn’t work to squawk like chickens or bark like dogs? Then they would run around the stage like lunatics while everyone laughed both at how ridiculous and ironic it all was? Yeah, me too 🤦🏼‍♀️

I get it. Hypnotism doesn’t have the best track record in the public eye. If the aforementioned scenario has been your only exposure to it, it's easy to understand why you also might be a little bit skeptical. I mean, it is a little strange -- the idea that you could be put to sleep, have someone mumble a few words over you, and wake up with a whole new set of characteristics. It’s quite mind boggling to say the least! If you’re someone who is either on the fence about hypnosis or a complete skeptic (not sure how you found this blog post!) you’ve come to the right place. 

First, let’s address the elephants in the room. There are plenty of ideas floating around about hypnosis that simply aren’t true. Let’s get some of them out the way.

  • Hypnosis is mind control: It’s important to know that  hypnosis will only work if you are willing to be hypnotized. We all have our own free will, and the hypnotist cannot program anything into your subconscious mind unless it agrees on some level with what they are programming. For example, if your subconscious mind does not agree with the idea of you being a multi-millionaire within a month's time, a hypnotist cannot program you to be one. Sorry folks! What it can do, however, is work with your subconscious mind on changes that it is prepared to take on. Perhaps more discipline at work, or more focus on personal projects are more achievable goals. 

  • You are fully passed out during a hypnosis session: If the idea of being fully unconscious during a hypnosis session is something that worries you, fear not. When you are being hypnotized it is more akin to being in a calm, meditative state, where you are still aware of your surroundings, but just deeply relaxed and inwardly focused. You can even be in control of your thoughts, so if something felt unsafe, you would be able to do something about it.

  • You can get stuck in hypnosis: Because hypnosis is akin to being in a light trance state, it’s impossible to get stuck in it because, well, reality will eventually snap you out. A good way to think about it is as if you were focused on a good movie, focused deeply on playing a video game, or listening to good music. In these scenarios you are deeply absorbed in the experience and have tuned out the outside world to a degree. When you are finished, you slowly come back to reality and resume life as normal. Coming out of hypnosis is a similar experience!

  • All hypnotists are frauds or charlatans: While the talk show hosts and Hollywood representations of hypnotists may have painted hypnotists in a not so positive light, hypnotism is actually a serious practice that was approved by The American Medical Association for medical use in 1958. There are plenty of associations with accredited hypnotists that have gone through rigorous training to work with clients. There is no need to worry about finding someone who lacks integrity if you do your research first.

  • Hypnotism isn't rooted in science: According to Healthline, hypnotism is a “genuine psychological therapy process,” that is often misunderstood. While you are in the induced state of hypnosis, the therapist makes suggestions based on what you previously discussed to help plant new thoughts into your mind, which later “take root,” according to the site. Scientific studies have proven that hypnosis is effective in treating pain, PTSD, insomnia, anxiety, weight loss, and more. 

The truth of the matter is, we go into trance states similar to hypnosis every day. Do you ever wonder how when you are zoned out thinking about what to make for dinner, or what’s on tomorrow’s to-do list, you somehow made it home through a winding maze of traffic without a single thought about what road to take, or where to turn left or turn right? Or the times when you are so fully absorbed in a movie or task that the world around you seems to blur, and time has completely slipped by? During these states our subconscious minds are at work and are picking up on details we are not consciously aware of. That's why ads played during television programs (and product placements during movies) are so effective. 

Perhaps it’s better then, to hijack our subconscious minds more consciously, instead of letting the world do it for us. Taking control of this part of your mind can be empowering and give you more personal agency in your life. It certainly can’t hurt! If you are still on the fence or have any questions about how hypnosis works, reach out to me and let’s get them cleared up. 

Blake Levin