Are Your Goals Getting in the Way of Your Success?

Today I attended a 2 hour workshop hosted by my business coach Elizabeth Cannon. She helps female entrepreneurs break free of hustle culture to build businesses that support the life they REALLY want to live.

In this workshop she talked about how as entrepreneurs we really love to set goals and work really hard to achieve them. After all most entrepreneurs have big dreams, are ambitious, driven, smart and hard working. However if the goal is creating stress, pressure, anxiety or fear of not achieving what we set out to do, then the goal itself can be the very problem that’s standing in the way of you and your success.

I was listening to Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic on audible today and she describes this concept well. She describes how creatives can create best when they are in an energy of trust and play and freedom from the pressure of having to make money off of our creative passions. She encourages the creatives out there to have a job that pays the bills because it frees them of the pressure to pay the bills with our art.

If we grasp onto our goals with a lot of pressure on ourselves it is true that the goals themselves can be the problem. What if we can begin to think about how we want to feel in the action of moving towards our goals? What if we get clear on the feeling underneath the goal and strive to move through the steps progress with the energy we seek to achieve?

How do we set goals that are aligned with our hearts deepest desires? In hypnosis we can tap into the subconscious mind to tap into heart centered goals that are created from an inner wisdom that lives within us all.

I find that most of my goals that really stand out in my mind are around money goals. I want to make THIS amount of money each month… I want to double my income from last year etc. But when I really look deeper into the desire that align with my heart it is really the connection and intimacy I seek with the people who matter most in my life.

When I am working so hard to achieve my goals, I often find that it is the goal itself, getting in the way of being present with my family and friends. Because there is always MORE I think I should or could be doing to get ahead. But what if we could release those pressures and productivity anxiety and replace it with trust.

Many of my hypnotherapy clients in Los Angeles are creative people with so much passion about what they do. Sometimes I have to help them get out of their own way so they can lower their stress and increase their trust in their talents.

In past years I would be very focused on goal setting and in a very masculine energy about what I need to do more of to achieve my goal. But this year I am really looking at my resolutions with a lightness and trust. Through my own hypnotherapy work, and self growth I have really moved into a place of trusting my growth.

My stress is lower, my business is growing and I am creating more time for my personal passions like performing in musicals.

If you would like support in building your trust so your goals don’t create pressure and stress, schedule a complimentary consultation. I’d love to support you!

Jenn Levin