Self Hypnosis Tips to Achieve Your Health, Fitness & Nutrition Goals

The beginning of a new year, is a great time to pause, reflect and reset your goals! In our busy lives we often end up on auto pilot.  Our patterns and behaviors are rooted in the subconscious mind.  To really implement change it needs to be intentional.  In this blog I will share my favorite hypnosis tips to help you achieve your health and fitness goals with the help of your subconscious mind.

Who benefits from Hypnosis for their Health? 

Anyone who has a strong reason WHY stands to benefit from setting health goals and using the hypnotherapy to help you achieve them.  If you set a health goal, just because it feels like you “should” then the motivation is likely to fizzle out quickly.  But if you have a strong sense of WHY this goal is important to you and the REWARD behind it, then your chance of success is much higher! 

How to Use Hypnosis to Improve Your Diet & Nutrition

Use this hypnotherapy trick  to improve your diet & nutrition! Everyone is in a natural state of hypnosis right before bed and as soon as they wake up in the morning. Take advantage of your mind being in a suggestible state by sending yourself powerful hypnotic suggestions like, “I love eating delicious and nutritious foods.” add some visualizations to double the effectiveness. Close your eyes before bed and see yourself eating something that you LOVE that is healthy.  See yourself in a situation where you may normally make a poor food choice and instead see yourself making a good choice. This will help reprogram your subconscious mind to start to crave healthy foods and make it easy, automatically and habitual to choose foods that you know are good for you! 

Before you put ANYTHING into your body, STOP, take a deep breath, close your eyes and ask yourself, “What does my body REALLY need right now?” Is it really hungry or are you actually thirsty, tired, stressed or bored?   Maybe you are grabbing food out of habit but you aren’t actually hungry.   By taking a pause to ask yourself this question you can begin to make conscious choices that are really going to support what your body really needs.  Maybe it’s protein, a glass of water or a break from work or connect with a friend. Instead of automatically going down the path we are subconsciously  programmed to, we can make more conscious choices that really fulfill the real need the mind and body are craving. 

How to Use Hypnosis to Achieve Your Fitness & Exercise Goals
Use this hypnosis trick to achieve your fitness goals! Tie your exercise to something you already do everyday.  Start with a small, easy, no excuses goal and tie it to your regular behavior.  Like this, “Everyday as soon as I finish my coffee, I step outside and take a walk to the mailbox.”  Do this first step for a week. No more no less. And then the second week, as soon as you finish your coffee, walk to your closest neighbors house and back.  Continue to add steps and build up to a walk around the block, a mile walk, etc. Before you know it you will be doing this easily automatically and habitually!

How to Use Hypnosis to Lower Blood Pressure & Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Use this hypnosis trick to lower your blood pressure & improve your heart health!  Create an anchor to connect you to a place of peace.  Think of the most relaxing place you’ve ever been or create a peaceful place in your mind.  Close your eyes and heighten all the senses. See the colors, smell the smells, hear the sounds.  And when you feel very relaxed do your anchor to connect the two together.  A physical anchor can be anything you want it to be.  You can place your hands on your heart, you can massage your fingers together.  Connect this physical anchor to your peaceful state so when you are faced with a stressful situation you can lower your blood pressure and help your heart by simply placing your hands to your heart and thinking about the peaceful place that instantly calms your mind and body. 

Can Hypnosis Help You Avoid Cancer & Other Serious Diseases?

Regular doctor appointments are important for pre-screening for cancer and getting the most update medical advice on how to avoid diseases.  If you are feeling resistant to going to the doctor or are just plain avoiding it all together, this may be a sign that there is something going on subconsciously that is standing in the way.  A certified hypnotherapist can help you uncover the block, and release your fear of going to the doctor so that you can stay on top of your health!


How to Use Hypnosis to Improve Your Overall Health

If you want to improve your overall health in the new year take some time to really think about why.  Grab a journal and a cup of tea and light a candle.  And then begin free writing by asking yourself this question,  “Taking care of myself is important to me because….” If you are having trouble filling the page ask yourself this question, “What did I learn from my family, culture, or society that may be getting in the way of me taking care of myself?” You may not know what to write at first but keep the pen to the paper and the farther down the page you write, the deeper into your subconscious mind you are traveling and little clues may reveal themselves about your subconscious blocks. Working with a hypnotherapist can help you uncover these beliefs that are getting in the way of achieving your health goals. Once you bring them to conscious awareness, you can re-write them to help you get your subconscious mind on board with your conscious health goals. The key is knowing that you are worthy of taking care of your health and releasing any beliefs or doubts that stand in the way. 

What Habits Should You Try to Avoid if you want to improve your overall health?

Your cell phone! Try to give yourself breaks from the phone so you can be more present, in the moment and more connected with others in the real world. 

Why Talk to a Doctor Before starting a Diet or Exercise Program. 

Every body is different.  What is best for a friend, may not be best for you. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting a diet or exercise program to make sure you are really honoring your body and it’s needs, limitations and health goals. 

What if you fall back into bad habits or fail to meet your Health & Fitness Goals?

It is very hard to change our habits & behaviors on the conscious level.  Our subconscious mind is 88% of our mind power.  So if you are struggling, hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to get your subconscious mind on board with your goals!