Why I Hate HypnoBirthing

I enrolled in a group HypnoBirthing class before I became a hypnotherapist. When I was pregnant with my first daughter, my husband and I attended all the classes and I went into my first birth feeling confident. Then I became a hypnotherapist and… holy sh*t! was I misled by this program to think this was going to be a piece of cake. Needless to say, I have a few issues to pick with HypnoBirthing.

The HypnoBirthing program itself has a lot of rules like, “Don’t PUSH your baby out” but rather “Breathe the Baby Down”. So naturally, during the delivery, when I was told it was time to start “pushing” I thought, “no I’m not going to do that, I’ll just ‘breathe the baby down’.”

My OBGYN got frustrated and said, “Ok! Well this isn’t working so we are going to have to turn off your epidural…” I was very much enjoying my epidural! And it felt like a big deal that I even gave myself permission to get an epidural, after months of hearing and researching how a birth should be natural.

So when the epidural was taken away, and the pitocin kicked up, the pain became unimaginable. There was so space in my brain or body to be able to visualize my “Rainbow of Relaxation” which I had devoted so much of my nightly ritual to follow and implement.

My beautiful baby came into the world healthy for which I’m grateful. But the pain I had to endure to get her here felt completely unnecessary.

My issues with the HypnoBirth program is that it puts such a strong emphasis on natural birth being the holy grail through which only those with an enlightened mindset can achieve. Perhaps this was emphasized by my own mom having all three of her kids naturally. Surely if she could do it, so should I right?

But WHY? This pressure to have a natural birth doesn’t benefit all of us. If the baby comes easily and naturally thats incredible! But for some of us mere mortals, an epidural IS THE WAY to have the peaceful birth experience we are hoping for.

When I got pregnant with my second daughter, Riley, I was enrolled at HMI college of hypnotherapy and met my mentor Lisa Machenberg who facilitates the Hypnosis for Joyous Childbirth Certification.

I love this hypnosis program for birth, because it empowers women to do whatever is best for them and their baby. There is no right or wrong way to have a baby. And I love how it took off the pressure, and even incorporated hypnosis journeys to help get an epidural or C-Section.

I went into my second birth feeling equally as confident and prepared for however Riley decided to enter the world. I was clear in my desire for an epidural and had witnessed my sister have a fairly comfortable and easy birth while fully numb down there. And she made it look so easy!

I labored at home in my pool for half the day and by the time I got to the hospital, I was far along enough in the process that I was able to meet my doula, get my epidural and my daughter arrived an hour and half later! Riley was born at 7:14 pm on 7/14/18. Personally, I felt as if. those numbers took on a second meaning - that good things can come and be pain free.

I listened to my hypnosis recordings that Lisa had made for me - to help me labor at home, have a smooth birth. And get some much needed sleep in between the nurse visits, breast feeding, and baby cries.

Hypnosis for Joyous Childbirth is the program that I am now certified in and I love working with women and their partners to prepare for this special moment in their lives together.

It is such a joy and privilege to be able to witness the deepened connection couples make in my office as they share their story, and as we help their non-birthing partner learn to facilitate the hypnosis in the hospital.

There are alternatives to HypnoBirthing. And nothing makes me happier than finding an individual approach for each of my client’s hypnosis journey to help them have a beautiful, positive birth!

Blake Levin