How Hypnotherapy Releases Mental Blocks

Mental blocks can stunt your productivity, personal and career growth, and your well-being. Impostor syndrome, overthinking, procrastination, perfectionism, fear of rejection are all examples of mental blocks that get in the way of progress. Whether you’re a writer finishing that next big script, a parent looking to have the best relationship with their kids, or a boss setting out to create great culture in the workplace, you will need to overcome these blocks to get the best results out of what you’re trying to accomplish.

Hypnosis can help to free whatever subconscious blocks may be getting in the way of your success.

Since I was a kid, I have LOVED to sing! I could sing anywhere and in front of anyone. But after dating a man with a beautiful voice and very judgmental attitude, I suddenly couldn’t sing anymore. At first I felt scared to sing in front of him and before I knew it I was terrified to sing at all, no matter the situation.

For 8 years my voice went unheard. And then one day, on a Manifestation retreat in Ojai with Jennifer Pastiloff I wrote my dream on a little yellow sticky note and it said, “to be in a musical”.

But wanting something consciously and actually doing it can be two conflicting things in your mind. This is because our subconscious is programmed to behave, feel, react and respond to our conscious desires with the beliefs we’ve learned about ourselves and the world somewhere along the way.

I wanted to sing, but my subconscious mind was saying, “don’t sing, you might be criticized”. The conscious part of our minds is only 12% of our entire mental power and awareness. The other 88% of how we feel and behave is controlled by the subconscious. And mine subconsciousness had been programmed to fear judgement - placed there many years ago by someone who isn’t even a part of my life.

Sometimes it’s an ex-boyfriend, but it can be parents, teachers, bosses, and traumatic experiences along the way can create these negative subconscious impacts - which can stay with you for your entire life.

I went to see my hypnotherapist in Santa Monica and we got to work on the reprogramming.

Through hypnotherapy I’ve been able to release the block that was keeping me from singing. I auditioned for the Glendale Center Theatre’s production of South Pacific and guess what? I got cast! It was so thrilling to be doing what I love to do and using my voice again, and to be reinforced by my experiences in the real world!

There are still times when my fear of using my voice will impact my life. For example, in a conversation with a friend or colleague, I find myself really holding back from “shining my light” and using my voice - unless I’ve been “given permission”.

In a conversation with a friend I’m guilty of taking the listening approach and asking questions to show my interest, but rarely inserting my own stories or challenging opinions I don’t agree with. And we all have that friend who can talk about themselves for hours without taking a second to ask about you. I know it’s nothing personal, it’s just their personality and how they’ve learned to express themselves. But, if you’re not assertive with them, the conversation can turn exhausting!

Meanwhile, when I’m with a friend who asks me questions and shows an interest in me - I come alive. I feel much more myself and can share and listen alike.

So I got curious about why is it that I don’t feel like I have space to speak without permission? Is it subconscious programming from over 15 years of schooling where you have to raise your hand and be called on to talk? Or is it because my Dad always taught me that people love to talk about themselves and the best way to connect with others is to bring out the best in them? Or maybe there was a time when I used my voice and it was met with push back, rejection or deaf ears. All of these possibilities can lead to subconscious blocks that keep us stuck. Stuck in our career, stuck in a relationship, or even stuck in how your communicate with your kids.

Through the power of hypnotherapy, we can build a case for your subconscious mind to release your blocks and empower you to go after your dreams. Hypnotherapy can build confidence, momentum, belief in yourself and lots of logic as to why you are safe to do that thing you want to be doing. For me, it is singing and shining my light, using my voice and believing in my value. What is it for you?

Possible Subconscious Roots To Your Blocks Include:

Money Blocks - Subconscious Belief that Rich people are Bad or Money is Evil or Fear of Disconnect from Family & Friends

Relationship Blocks- Low Self Worth, Belief that Relationships cause fighting, pain, harm, abandonment from past relationships or what witnessed in parents, never feeling loved as a child, fear of rejection

Creative Blocks- Perfectionism, Fear of judgement, Pressure to Perform, belief that there is no value in creativity from childhood programming, Fear of failure.

Health Blocks- Low self esteem, self worth issues, belief that fun is only tied to unhealthy behaviors, cultural identity

Blake Levin