How Hypnosis Can Help to Heal a Broken Heart

I can remember when I first graduated college, landed my dream job, and driven across the country to Los Angeles to begin my new adventure! And I would lay in bed crying. My heart was breaking. Deep down I knew that my relationship with my first love was over.

We had broken up some months prior, and I immediately flung myself into a another romance - hoping the newness and excitement would overshadow the pain of the loss. It wasn’t until I was alone in a new city, in a new job, and without any friends that I had finally come to terms with the breakup and it put me into a deep sadness.

Breakups can feel like a death. While obviously not the same, losing someone you love through breakup can feel similar to well… losing someone you love. You’re coming to terms that this person will no longer hold the same position in your life they once did. It can sometimes even lead to actual broken hearts. Whether it’s sudden breakup, or long and drawn out, you eventually have to come to terms with the fact that it’s over.

I knew that I loved him, because the breakup took so long to be real, and hurt very deeply once it became real. But deep in my heart I was yearning to be free, to date, have fun and be young in LA. Even though my conscious brain knew it was time to move on. It was so difficult. Our subconscious minds cling onto what is familiar even if it isn’t what’s best for you. This creates conflict in our minds, and can lead to depression, anxiety, and even manifest in bad habits that impact your life in other areas.

You see, the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is good or bad for you. All it knows is what it knows and what it thinks it needs to protect you (and itself) to survive. For those who are prone to long-term relationships, breaking up is going to be hard to do. There’s a lot of patterns that have built up over time and now you will have to break out of that comfort zone.

For others the subconscious mind may actually be programmed to “always breakup”. Perhaps it’s fear of intimacy, fear of getting hurt or a programming from childhood. Then it can be hard to actually stay in relationship.

If you want help getting over an Ex or getting through a breakup, hypnosis can help! Through hypnotherapy we can get your subconscious mind on board with what your conscious brain knows or wants. This lowers the resistance, pain and internal struggle that most of us feel during a break-up.

It is also worth examining, what subconscious belief about yourself, that is being triggered during a painful breakup. Is the break-up stiring up old programming about your worthiness of being loved? Maybe some healing needs to happen around that to build confidence, self-esteem and self love.

A breakup may be very triggering because sometimes it reinforces negative beliefs we have about ourselves.

I’m not pretty enough.

I’m not lovable.

There are no good people left… especially in Los Angeles!

Everyone I love will always leave me.

These beliefs are not healthy or true but our subconscious mind believes them and they can really get in the way of your happiness and success. Through hypnotherapy we can reprogram these beliefs to help you attract healthy, loving relationships into your life.

Hypnotherapy can help you move through the pain of a breakup with more peace and carry the wisdom discovered along the way into your next relationship.

Blake Levin