How to Hypnotize Your Kids!

From the moment you are born to around the age of 8 children are fully subconscious minds. They have not yet developed a critical mind to be able to decipher the truth from BS, fantasy from reality. This is why you can tell children that there is Santa Clause or the tooth fairy and they will just believe you. Children take in the information they receive from their parents as the truth. For better or worse.

This morning my kids woke up to find our “ELF on the shelf” had not moved! For those of you who don’t have kids, the elf on the shelf comes out in the month leading up to Christmas to keep an eye on the childrens behavior and reports back to Santa if they are being good or not. Each night the elf moves to a new location in the house. My kids LOVE this.

But this morning when they found the elf had not moved, they didn’t question the legitimacy of the elf’s magic. They jumped into action with what you are “supposed to do” if the elf doesn’t move. SPRINKLE CINNAMON around the elf to bring back it’s magic powers!

This belief in what they had heard somewhere, demonstrates how suggestible kids are to what they learn. So as a parent, we want to really pay attention to what we are teaching our kids. Sometimes the things we are teaching them are so subconscious for ourselves that we don’t even realize we are teaching them.

So yes, kids can be hypnotized. They are already in a highly suggestible state so, as a parent, you can hypnotize your kids or you can bring them to a professional hypnotherapist to achieve the goal you are working on.

If you want to try doing hypnosis on your children here are my tips to hypnotize your children,

1) Ask them if they would like to hypnotized.

You want them to be on board with trying this. Most kids love it because they’ve seen it on tv and are curious.

2) Find a Quiet Place to Hypnotize them where there won’t be a lot of distractions or noise.

3) Bring out Your Bubbles- have the kids blow bubbles and imagine they are blowing away their worries or fears which are going to POP. OR you can have them blow their dreams and desired goals into the bubbles to send their wishes out into the world.

4) Have them close their eyes and imagine going someplace they feel very safe and relzed.

5) Do a Progressive Relaxation- relaxing the toes all the way up the body to the head.

6) Count down to get them into hypnosis “I am going to count from 5 down to 0 and when I say 0 you will be in hypnosis”

7) Keep it Positive- once they are relaxed make positive suggestions of them seeing their goals achieved.

Here are some examples of positive suggestions you can make depending on your goals:

  • TEST ANXIETY: When you sit down to take a test at school, you feel relaxed and are able to remember what you learned.

  • SLEEP: The moment your head hits the pillow you will fall quickly, soundly, deeply asleep.

  • SPORTS PERFORMANCE: You see yourself playing your best game, and having so much fun scoring. See it happening and how good it makes you feel. Take a deep breath in on that positive feeling.

  • BED WETTING: You will use the bathroom before you go to bed. And your body knows that when you sleep you stay dry. So when you wake up in the morning your bed and clothes are dry. You feel great using the bathroom when you wake up!

  • COVID ANXIETY: You are healthy and strong. Your body knows what to do to fight off any covid that comes in. You can trust your body to keep you healthy and strong. And you do things to help like washing your hands before you eat.

  • FEAR of BUGS: If you see a bug, its ok. It is part of our planet and helps keep our planet alive. Every creature has an important role here. It is small and you are much bigger. You can feel safe when you see a bug because it is going about it’s business and you can go about your day feeling calm and safe.

TIP: Have your kids help you come up with the suggestions. Using their words is very powerful! Remember if they say “DONT BE SCARED” Try to change it to how they want to feel instead. Flip it to, “YOU will feel calm or safe.”

8) Count them up & out of hypnosis -”I am going to count you up and out of hypnosis and when I say 5 you will be wide awake. 0, 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 Eyes Open Wide Awake & Feeling Great!”

Repetition is important. The more your child hears the new suggestions the stronger they will take hold in the subconscious mind to become their new positive beliefs and behaviors.

I hope this is helpful! Kids are very suggestible to their parents so your words are very powerful. Both in a hypnotic state and in everyday life. Remember that they are paying attention not just to your words but your body language and energy too. So sometimes seeing your own hypnotherapist can help shift your energy to help bring about positive changes in both yours and your kids life!

Blake Levin